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Sound Healing - What Is It Actually Good For?

What is it about?

First of all: actually it is not a "healing" (which we are not officially allowed to speak of anyway without appropriate healing training), but a harmonization. We are already whole and complete in the holistic sense, but many stories, experiences and problems in our past have made us forget this. Working with sounds is a deep reminder of our primordial state of perfection, of a natural oneness with ourselves

It is all about resonance. We all live in fields of resonance, if we are aware about it or not. We can use this knowledge to uplift ourselves and harmonise ourselves and our surroundings.



Mankind has always sought the reconnection to unity in innumerable different forms including via sounds. This knowledge was present in all native peoples.

Today, sounds are used either as wellness, to simply feel good, but also to get access to  deep transformation processes.

The Magic of Sounds

Sounds have the wonderful ability to go beyond the mind directly into contact with the heart, with our soul essence. This is why people feel deeply fulfilled, refreshed and nourished after an hour of sound therapy. 

There are several reasons for this:

1.  Nada Brahma - the world is sound, so it is said in the ancient Hindu Book of the Vedas. This means: all living beings and also the material things including the earth and the planetary system consist of vibrations and therefore also of sounds. This is why sound can affect us and transform and uplift us so deeply. It is our essence.

2. The sounds change brain frequencies. The "normal" vibration of the brain while we  are using our waking mind for our work and everyday processes is called the beta vibration (13-40Hz). During a sound treatment, this brain activity sinks into the more relaxed alpha vibration (8-12Hz), in very deep relaxation also into the theta vibration,     which is even lower at 4-7Hz and a kind of dream sleep, but in which you can be at the same time wide awake.

This is a "reset" for the whole system. Sound healing works consciously with this change of frequencies. The organism consisting of body, soul and spirit can recover and realign itself. Deep cognition processes can take place during this time.


3.  The selected sounds that we use in sound healing are very rich in overtones and always focused on harmony. Harmonization is an essential feature of sound healing, which does not mean that every sound lesson is harmonious from the beginning, sometimes it is necessary to go through a process of harmonization and rebalancing first. Sounds balance, regulate, harmonize and bring our consciousness back to the center, sometimes in a detour that makes us aware of what still stands in the way of being one with ourselves. However, this is invariably a very fruitful process!

4.  Last, not least: Sounds touch hidden places in our soul, which we cannot reach with our mind, but which nevertheless exist. That can feel like salvation.

There has long been research in the field of music medicine on the effectiveness of sounds, for example in the therapy of cancer cells. I am convinced that the future belongs to psychological, medical and spiritual treatment with music.

What are the options?

There are a variety of approaches for self-healing and self awareness through music and sound.

I myself work with different aspects of sound treatments:


   Sound massage: with Tibetan singing bowls that are placed directly on the (clothed) body. The vibrations go into every cell, the body relaxes deeply.

   individual sound treatment: with singing bowls, crystal instruments and gongs

   Gong bath: the frequencies of the large gongs open spaces beyond the mind and are a great support in transformation processes and deep introspection

   Nadayoga & Mem Gong Yoga: a special form of yoga focused on sounds

   further applications: with drum, violin, harp, voice, monochord and more

Who is speaking?

My name is Birgit Reimer, I am trained as a professional musician (violin), music therapist, sound practitioner according to Peter Hess and gong therapist. I work with my sounds in the "Soundhealing Oasis Aoide" in Armenoi near Kalyves


If you are now curious: contact me or just drop by

I'm looking forward to meet you!

Love from Birgit


Birgit Reimer

Soundhealing Oasis Aoide

Armenoi bei Kalyves

tel +49 177 2312442  ( auch whatsapp)

     +30  698 8382989


